Jul 16, 2024

I’ve written of my Logbook before, but this little tool is so effective that I want to give it a little more attention.

I use a Logbook throughout my day. This means that I work intuitively toward all my goals and as I take action, I create a record of the action taken. For instance, after I complete this post, I will note under today’s day, Wrote a blog post that was fun. This same day also includes entries about me sending my publisher my edits to my first book and having lunch with a friend. All activities that I undertook because they felt good to me and all activities that I logged after I did them.

When you create a new habit of looking for the good, then you are harnessing the power of your mind to work for you. And my mind now goes around looking for good things.



It wasn’t always this way. There was a time when I celebrated my ability to notice a problem. There was a time that I valued myself for finding other people’s mistakes. There was a time when my super noticing mind dealt me negative scenario planning that I thought made me appropriately cautious.

Now that I have broken up with fear, which is what all those negative scenarios were, I am enjoying life on the positive side of things. This means I notice the good and turn a blind eye to things that annoy me. This means I make a note of any progress I make and don’t give any air time to undone tasks. This means I have a new habit of seizing the best in life and no longer plan for failure.

Instead, I plan for success.

As in: This day will be so successful that I will have stories to share with my family about my great day at the dinner table.

As in: This project will be so successful that I’ll be turning down people who want to talk to me about it.

As in: This life will be such a success that I might deem it my favorite life of all time.

If you are going to dream, why not dream big?

A Logbook is the cheapest, easiest way to make rapid progress in your spiritual journey. When you develop a habit of noticing and logging the good, the wonderful, and the done, you step into the power of your own spirit in a way that sets you up for success. Here is what I mean.



Your spirit always sees the good, the wonderful, and the done. And celebrates it. When you do the same, you closely align to your energetic source, which is where all good things emanate from. And, you start to rewire your own coding to notice what is going well rather than lamenting what is ready to change.

Try a Logbook for one week and watch your life change.

Make a Logbook your daily habit and watch as people around you seem to change.

Create a Logbook that only sees the good and watch how your perspective changes too.

The added benefit of a Logbook? It becomes a record of a life well lived.

Where are you creating records of tasks you don’t prefer?

Where could you change your noticing mind to point at a success?

Where could you celebrate more in the life you are in today?

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